11:50 PM

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You may have noticed a few changes to the blog layout in the last few days. Two days ago Blogger finally decided to add 'pages' to all blog templates, meaning we can finally add useful tabs to stand-alone pages just underneath the blog header. As you can see, I've added a brief About section, a list of all press features, contact information and also a Shopping Links page.

I'm always inundated with requests from Muslim clothing companies from around the world to include a link to their websites. However up till now it has been my policy to only include UK links simply because there wasn't enough space in the right hand side bar. I have however been carefully saving all links I get sent and was finally able to list them all, by country, under the Shopping Links page. So be sure to have a look and browse Islamic clothing websites from around the world! And of course if you know of any that aren't listed, do let me know!

You also might notice that underneath each post, I've added a 'Share' widget, which lets you easily share content from the blog with your contacts on various social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter!

Hope you find these changes useful!