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Thanks for your interest of writing here on Fashionable India
I'm Looking for Guest Bloggers and for really serious Bloggers.

I have been updating india-fashion-style.blogspot.com with at least one new post per week, and at least 6 posts per month. I plan to maintain this content updating frequency for long term so as to maintain our readership and interest. But I find that it is difficult to write and publish a new post on this basis. So, I'm seeking your help.

I am now looking for guest writers to contribute content to this blog. Anyone can submit guest post for publication on this blog. As long as the post is relevant to the topics of Fashion, I will accept and publish it here.

What benefits You will gain publishing a guest post here?
Search Engine Traffic
You will get search engine (Google) traffic from india-fashion-style.blogspot.com.  
As india-fashion-style.blogspot.com currently have a PAGE RANK #3 and ranks on the first page in the top search for many keywords related to fashion, you can get your top one way links in this quite effective manner.

Your guest post will be included with an anchor text link and an url to your website to attract traffic. Your links will be placed in the author bio of your guest post.

The preferred topics are fashion, Indian Fashion, style, accessories, fashion products and any other topics that related to these field.

For the length of the guest post, I accept both long and short blog posts. But an article of at least 200 words is preferred.

I accept only unique blog post that haven't published on anywhere.

If you are interested to submit a guest post, just send your post with your author bio and link details to:

Yours truly Prav.